Framing Floral Techniques - WildFlower Media

Framing Floral Techniques

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Renee Tucci (AIFD, PFCI) takes the floral enthusiast on a journey through all layers of modern floral design!

Expert teaching for curious and enthusiastic flower fans, both industry-trained and hobbyist. 

  • This approachable guide, featuring over 500 photos and companion commentary from an innovative floral educator, will take the mystery out of creating floral designs that are a step above the rest. 
  • With this design inspiration and reference manual that expands on techniques in a real-world way, aspiring and seasoned designers will find encouragement to practice and hone techniques by traveling down a direct, step-by-step path.
  • Skills covered: airbrushing, banding, basing, binding, braiding, clustering, collaring, facing, framing, gluing, grouping, hand-tying, kubari, lacing, layering, leafwork, massaging, pavé, pillowing, reflexing, sequencing, shadowing, sheltering, staking, tailoring, terracing, veiling, weaving.
  • Important principles and elements of design are woven into the fibers of each project to give the reader a clear understanding of why and how each component is connected to the next.

By working with and practicing each of these projects or techniques, learners see that the artistic options and applications are endless. 

[AuthorName]By Renee Tucci[/AuthorName][AuthorBio]Renee Tucci (AIFD, PFCI) has been exploring her insatiable curiosity with flowers and floral design for over 20 years. She is a globally sought-after educator and designer.[/AuthorBio][NumIllustration]525 color images[/NumIllustration][CoAuthor][/CoAuthor][SubTitle]Floral Design Skill Building, Inspirations & Explorations[/SubTitle][ColorPattern]525 color images[/ColorPattern]

Schiffer Publishing

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